I've recently returned from the IPCA Retreat. It was such an amazing time! I met so many wo
nderful, talented, fun and encouraging artists.

That's Judy Belcher with me at the IPCA Retreat. She is my all-time-favorite polymer clay artist/hero, and I actually had a chance to meet her.
Christi Friesen, another cool and famous polyclay artist, was a featured demonstrator for the entire second day of the retreat. I actually won her pendant in the raffle!
Christi Friesen, another cool and famous polyclay artist, was a featured demonstrator for the entire second day of the retreat. I actually won her pendant in the raffle!
Here I am with her after winning...
Debbie Jackson, another of my very favorite people and an amazing artist won the bead strand at the aution. Here's my photo of the strand of beads made by each of the participants at the retreat. We each submitted two beads, one for this strand that was auctioned, and one for a strand to be archi

So many wonderful artists attended the retreat. I will hold all my new "twisted sisters" dear to my heart, and I count meeting each one as a true blessing...

You might want to check out more photos of the retreat at the IPCA Retreat 2009 Flickr Photos.
I found my work was mentioned at Tonja's Polyclay Corner. How cool is that?
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