Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sunshine Award

Thanks so very much, Butterscotch Grove, for nominating me for the Sunshine Blog Award. What a sweet surprise. Please head over to see Butterscotch Grove's Blog, she's running a sale in her Art Fire shop until the end of this month, and she has many beautiful items from which to choose.
Now, in turn, I will make several awards of my own…

Because her art is wonderfully new and fun and her kind heart is as big a her talent -
Beadworx.de – Bettina Welker

Because she is so sharing, kind and talented –
Crafty Goat's Notes – Angela Mabray

Because she is so sweet, gifted, sharing and creative –
The Creative Life Unfolds – Geraldine Newfry

Because she is always looking out for others and is so good at putting beautiful things together –
Earth Mother Mosaics – Cindy White

Parce que elle est si créative et géniale et douée –
gRiSbLEu - Céline

Because she is so generous with her tips and has wonderfully creative claying ideas–
Harrison Hollow Designs –Arlene Harrison

Because she has a knack for making everything about Japanese society, culture and history totally interesting and fun –

Because she has an interesting way of looking at life, and she is Aunt Mari's daughter -
Life Lessons – Pamela Hammonds

Because she never ceases to amaze me with her new ways of putting things together in an artistic way and she is so supportive of others –
Micic Art Jewelry - Aleksandra Micic

Because she is a truly great blogger and friend –
Ongoing Explorations of an Organic Artist – Organic Odysseys - Kate

Because she is so supportive and talented and sharing –
Polimeri Online – Iris Mishly Polymer Clay

Because her heart and art are so wonderful –
Polymer Clay by Silastones – Ponsawan


  1. Thank you, Jill! What a sweet thing to do and such a nice surprise!

  2. salut,
    merci pour ce prix, et pour la découverte de tous ces liens que je ne connaissais pas !

  3. You are all very welcome and very deserving.
    Et Céline, tu l'as bien méritée. Merci pour les commentaires.
